A choice of 8 colors

Snap Preview Anywhere Badge
Snap Preview Anywhere are back with a new version of their controversial pop-up widget that had spawned a vitriolic backlash from those who said they found it annoying, indiscriminate and "just a gimmick" for the company.
This time around, SPA have informed users that they have enhanced the user interface. They have incorporated new features that would allow the site owner to customize a link, image, css, etc.
Here are the five main reasons why SPA are snapping back:
- You can now pick your own color theme. There are 8 colors to choose from.
- You can add a logo to the Preview Bubble. According to SPA, your site is your brand. Now your preview can show your own logo, too.
- You can choose a Snap Link Icon. This is a tiny bubble icon that appears next to a link to show that it has a Preview and Trigger to prevent accidental previews.
- You can place a Snap Preview Anywhere Badge on your site to give your users the option to turn on previews.
- Advanced options for advanced websites. You can implement as many as you like or none at all in one convenient interface.
For full details on all of the upgrades that have come to Snap Preview Anywhere, you can visit their FAQ page.
Making Changes To Your Site?
In an email to users and former users, SPA are also inviting website owners to "lend" them their sites to test "new cutting edge technologies." Well, I don't know. Would you?
If you think you need to crank up your website, maybe you can email your URL and contact information to guineapig@snap.com.
This is what they say: "Don't worry, we're professionals and we generally know what we're doing."