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SEO Copywriting: Good Or Bad?

Top copywriter Bob Bly is noted as a vocal opponent of SEO copywriting. Well-known for his book "The Copywriter's Handbook," he has expressed his concern about preserving the power of words. He's not in favour of writing to pander to the search engine. An article by him titled "Why I Don't Believe In SEO Copywriting" reveals Bly's line of thinking that by writing for search engines, you only weaken the copy's power to sell to the customer.

WebProNews did an interview with SEO professional Heather Lloyd-Martin to find out the contention over this issue. Heather's line of defense is that "SEO copywriting is still copywriting" and the concepts of copywriting, more or less, has remained the same.

After watching the video interview, you may have your own conclusion to this contentious issue of SEO copywriting.

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